
Keep in touch!

Robert Menzies College Association

Thanks for your continuing interest in Robert Menzies College! As a friend or former resident of the College, we want to stay in touch with you and let you know about the exciting things that are happening at RMC.

The RMC Association (RMCA) was established in 1997 with the aim, “to keep graduates in contact with the College and one another” as well as “to keep staff and associates in contact with the College and one another”. As well as helping maintain old contacts we also want to seek your partnership in the ongoing development of the College community.

“We came from diverse backgrounds and nationalities, yet we were able to connect. I truly benefited from RMC’s global community. It helps broaden my mind and makes me more sensitive to the perceptions and opinions of people from different cultures. I am glad to be part of the RMC alumni association.”
- Li Pheow Yeo, RMC 1981-1983, CEO Republic Polytechnic


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Support RMC

Why support RMC?

As an alumnus or friend of RMC, you have a unique opportunity to positively contribute to the College community, even after you leave. Alumni have given back in various ways to the place that was “the next best place to home” during their tertiary studies: by providing academic tutoring, providing tips on entering the workforce and being a guest speaker at our formal occasions. Many more continue to support the College financially each year through the Annual Bursary Fund appeal. We would encourage you to think about how you might like to give back to your College.

Bursary and Donations

Part of the mission statement of Robert Menzies College relates to providing affordable accommodation for residents of the College, who come from all over Australia and from all around the world. We are particularly concerned to help those residents who come from rural communities and disadvantaged circumstances – particularly in Australia – who would grow and prosper by living in our College while they study. Statistics show that students who live in residential colleges do better academically. They also have the chance to mix and live with people from different cultures and develop leadership and social skills in a supportive community environment.

We want to help as many students as we can with fee relief by providing a wide range of scholarships. Obviously, the more contributions we have the more help we can offer. If you have ever had the chance to live in a College and would like to help someone have that same opportunity, or if you can see the benefits and would like to help form the future leaders who will be transforming our world, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to our bursary fund online or contact us. Alternatively we can set up a special scholarship in your name or the name of your company.

We are also eager to talk with any person interested in the possibility of creating a bequest to the College.

Other opportunities

There are many other ways that we can support the college and it looks different for everyone.

Events: Attending and/or participating in combined events, such as academic dinners. Being a part of ‘encouraging learning and academic excellence’ among our current residents and developing networks with students and academics.

Keep connected: Keep connected by updating your details so we can contact you about new developments, updates about alumni, and special events. There will be an annual publication that you can receive and make contributions to.

Alumni committee: We are in the process of developing an alumni committee that will aim to support the development of alumni events and initiatives that aim to connect alumni with each other as well as the College. Express your interest by contacting us.

Be an ambassador: Know someone in a situation where they need to move away from home to study? Provide them with insight and wisdom about the value of living at RMC through your personal experience.

Find out about why Kaitlin Tucker, one of our alumni believes that supporting RMC is something to be continually thinking about as an opportunity and responsibility to enrich current residents experience at RMC. Why give? What to give? How to give? - An alumnae perspective