Surviving Exam Time

It’s that time of semester again. Late nights, sugar hits and frantically cramming until you can’t cram no more. Yes, I’m talking about exam time. This time can be the …

Australia Day 2017

Australians love public holidays. The idea of a lazy day off work, hanging out with friends at the beach, having a BBQ, and generally enjoying the outdoors, appeals to our …

What is an Australian College?

In Australia, a college does not always refer to a place of teaching. For instance, our college – Robert Menzies College (RMC) is solely residential; like many other colleges around …

Who was Robert Menzies?

If you have ever wondered about the man that Robert Menzies College (RMC) is named after, then this article might give you some idea. Sir Robert Gordon Menzies embodied the …

Leadership at RMC

One of my summer jobs in the office is to organise leadership training for our team of Residential Tutors. As I’ve been thinking about how to effectively train them to …

Annual Red Shield Appeal

Every year, without fail, Robert Menzies College participates in the Red Shield Appeal, assisting the Salvation Army to raise money for those struck by trauma. This year, almost 20 students …

Insights from an Education Student

Thursday, 19 May 2016 The Education Academic Dinner saw four key academics of the university – Dr Dean Dudley, Prof Joanne Mulligan, Ms Jenny Nicholls and Dr Greg Robertson – …